You'd think that would be enough, but in today's world of "liking", "tweeting", and "tagging" it seems all personal info should be spilled out on the internet for the world to see. Next thing I know the government is calling me questioning why I like pictures of cats dangling from tree branches so much.
After several attempts to talk about my tribes and tribulations about teaching I am reverting back to a forum I'm more familiar with. I kept a blog before that chronicled my divorce and then subsequent relationship and marriage to my current wife, but that is long gone as there was way to much bitterness combined with happiness for my taste.
Over the last several years, I've become a bit outspoken about my profession. I'm not a campus radical or anything like that, but I do call 'em as I see 'em. Now is a great time to be discussing the profession. Educators are being scrutinized at an all time high. The number of stories involving teachers having inappropriate relations with students are suddenly blowing up. In the fine state of California we are in a budget crisis that has near crippled our schools. And we are living under the shadow of NCLB where every school must show proficiency by 2014. Yeah, right. To use a popular term from my generation "...and monkey's might fly out of my butt."
Pardon me as I find my way through this blogging process. I'll learn as I go. If you follow regularly and blog regularly, I'd love your advice and opinions.
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